Honey Hybrid Highway
“Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.” - Anne Frank "Yeah, man! The video was awesome, bro! But what does it even mean?" I'll tell you what it means! It means you are more amazing than most people looking in could know. In fact, you're more amazing than you, yourself, may ever know. That's why this is for you.
I want to share one of my favorite stories with you! STORY TIME.
Two men were seriously ill. They occupied the same room in the hospital. One of them was lying in the bed near the only window in their room. Every day he was allowed to spend some time sitting up in his bed to help draining the fluid from lungs. The other man was forced to spend all his days flat on his back.
They talked a lot about their life, families, jobs, vacations. Every time, when the first man was sitting by the window, he described in details all that he saw outside the window. His roommate always looked for those moments, when his world was broadened and brightened up by the world outside.
Amazing views of a park with a beautiful lake could be seen from the window of their room. Children delightfully played among ducks and swans. Couples walked arm in arm among colourful flowers. Also the stunning city skyline could be seen.
When the man by the window had been thoroughly describing all that was happening outside the window, his roommate would close his eyes and imaged all the beautiful scenes of life that were told to him.
One night the man, whose bed was near the window, died peacefully during sleep and his roommate was very sad.
After some time, when the nurse came to visit him, he asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse agreed and kindly made the switch. When she left, the man slowly and painfully propped himself up on one elbow and took the first look at the world outside. He was stunned. The window faced a blank wall.
When the nurse came to visit him the next time, he told her about beautiful things outside the window that his roommate described him. The nurse replied that his roommate was a blind man. She said: "He probably just wanted to encourage you."
So, to encourage you further, be awesome today- and everyday. You never know what it can do for others. It never has to be anything grand or over the top, but you should know that you always have the ability to be awesome. To this day, my favorite definition of friendship is this: All lives touch other lives to create something anew and alive. Everything we do will affect someone else. Everything we do matters. You may think it small and insignificant, but to somebody else, it might just mean the world. Do your best to be excellent to everyone, for you never know the paths some have to travel. The man with the view could have easily said, "Everything sucks and we're going to die here in straightjackets, surrounded by painfully white prison walls; listening to Justin Bieber. Then they'll feed your corpse to a shark...and my funeral is going to be better than yours!", but he knew that there was something past their current situation, and it helped the other man to keep going.
Find out what's awesome about you, and share it with others. Hopefully it surprises even you- and then keep doing it, everyday. The world is full of awesome people who think they are nothing special. If you don't see lots of amazing people all around you, you probably aren't being as amazing as you should be. GO BE AMAZING! And stop worrying about what it will look like to other people.
You also can't look stupid if you don't have eyes!!! Was that stupid? Phenominally!
If you're funny, be the funniest you can be; make someone's day! If you're able to help an old lady across the street, do it to the best of your ability. Don't you dare drop grandmama! She might not be able to cross the street without assistance, but you better believe she can tear you up with that purse! If you're ugly, be the ugliest...that was probably not a good example, but you know exactly what I'm saying here. GO BE AMAZING!
Gon' head, Beyoncé!
Mmhmm...Cristal, Chanel, Carrabbas. What?
This is you being as amazing as you can be. Soak in all that classiness!
Am I the only one who wants to live in this black and white piece of heaven? Probably, but as they say in Rome: "You walk out that door, don't come back no mo!" So don't waste your life by not going the extra mile, you may never get that moment a second time.
Make good decisions, love one another!