"But isn't already past the new year?", you ask. Yes it is, you silly, silly dancing Lily! But you know what? YOU KNOW WHAT? Statistics show that about 250,000,000 Americans give up their resolutions or goals for the New Year around this time. I don't care 'bout yo formalities! So it's time to get MOTIVATIONAL!!!
A lot of peoples' goals are usually centered around losing weight, making some physical change, working up the courage to talk to some girl or boy. Well you know what? Those goals can be cured with cheesecake! Amirite? Collarbones or cheesecake? Cheesecake!!! Fitting into tiny pants or cheesecake? Cheesecaaaaaaake! WHO NEEDS A RELATIONSHIP WHEN YOU HAVE CHEESECAKE? Nobody (I'm not really a fan of cheesecake, but the point is...). Cheesecake is your friend, it sticks to your hip, and arms, and legs, and stomach....Ok, that's kind of depressing. But you know what isn't depressing? Watching hip hop mougal Future explain how sensational cheesecake is.
Alright, enough of the old chitter chatter, let's get to the list of the things!!!! LEGGO!
8. Ditch the "Not Today" attitude!
Now is the best time to do whatever you're going to do. DO IT! (Thanks, Shia LeBouf) Stop saying, "Tomorrow will be better", or, "Everyone will look at me", or, "I'll be judged", or, "I'm not as great as these people are" - EVERYONE STARTED SOMEWHERE!!!! Make your start today, When Michelle Dobyne's (pictured above) apartment was on fire, did she let herself and her three children burn up? Uh-uh! She wasn't going to let them burn, "NOT TODAY!!" Treat everyday this year like you have three kids that could burn up in a fire (as strange as it sounds) Savor these days, get out in the world and stop acting like by some magical coincidence, you'll be able to do all the things you've always wanted to...because THE FUTURE! There is nothing new out there that the future will hold that you aren't able to get started on today!
Michelle Dobyne's interview - seriously, Watch it!
Yeah, you heard me!!! Be the hoola hoop. You know why nobody hates hula hoops? Because they're super inviting. Hula Hoop would be that awesome friend whose house was always open, and their parents bought all the cool snacks, and they had all the greatest video games, and that wasn't my house... Anyways, it's good to know your boundaries, it's great to know your limits, but it's okay to be the hula hoop. Hula hoop don't care who's hula hooping, it accepts everyone. Not good at sports? Play with a hula hoop, because even if you can't hula hoop, it has so many more uses. Like a LOT of uses. I'm talking a dangerous amount of completely deviating from the intended uses that hula hoop was intended for. Ask the average eight year old; maybe you've forgotten, but they haven't. Be inviting, be fun! The hula hoop shows that you don't always have to get out of your circle to bring others in. Always strive to live within community with everyone. You might not always be successful, but the people who are invited and accept the invitation, will be friends well gained.
Cutest video ever alert:
6. Adventure Time!
Why are you still sitting there, Panda Bear? Is it because you have no money? No time? No babysitter? No babysitter- sitter? Well, I have news for you! Quit being blue, 'cuz you live in a shoe. Adventure is everywhere! Sometimes you just have to listen to Spongebob.
If imagination is what it takes to go on vacation, buckle up! If it's a walk on the beach, a swim in a lake, climbing a mountain, skydiving and other cliches, do it! And continue to make little adventures (and big adventures) out of the mundane-ness of life. Find somewhere to level out, without the noise, without the stress. Try to not go avacado; try to be more jalapeno! Nome sane? And when you do find your adventure, live it. Not in the Facebook sense where , where you snap a few shots of doing something you really didn't enjoy, but Suzy and Janet will be "totes jealous!!!", but really calm your mind. Find adventures where you can include your children, pets, friends, random strangers (?), o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶s̶'̶ ̶k̶i̶d̶s̶. Just try and get out every once in a while! It won't kill you.
5. "As you were!"
Have you done it all, up to this point? Then carry on! Maybe you don't need to do anything, more, that's perfectly understandable. If you live a full life already, carry on! And Kudos to you! You always hear people saying stuff like "It's a new year, you know!", or "New year, new you!" How about "New year, old me!"; "New year, really old me...Now get out of my house and stop peeing in my bushes!" As they say, "As you were!". I don't know who "they" is but they said it. So feel free to keep doing as you've always been doing. But carry on with purpose. Maybe you can help others try to live full lives too. I'm sure someone would appreciate it.
4. Don't Be A Moron!
If you recognize this face, then you know the phrase well, "Don't be a moron!" From one of ABC's funniest sitcoms The Goldbergs (no, I'm not getting paid), this phrase can be heard often- and for a good reason: we all need the reminder to stop being morons. Is it a little degrading at times, sure. But it's also effective and has a lot of heart behind it. "Don't be a moron!" means be truthful, do the right thing, be a great person, think about what you're doing, don't keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. If someone wrongs you, don't wrong them back, ya moron! Stop looking after what you can get out of life with no regard for others! Real big picture stuff. But for the topic at hand, the best "Don't be a moron!" I can give to inspire you to great heights of un-morondom (It's a word now) is stop bringing the drama from last year with you. It's okay to let things go, it's okay to live your life and not point out every single thing that someone does and how much you hate it. It's okay to forgive people even if they won't change, and it's okay not have an answer for everything. This year, laugh more, love more, forgive more, and be better! "DON'T BE A MORON!"
Best of Murray Goldberg - Do it!
3. FOOD is FOOD!
I'm putting this one here, because it usually matches up with most resolutions. But food is food. I'm not saying go out and eat whatever you want; being unhealthy all the time, but food is food. And don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to play up people who have actual food problems, or have eating disorders (though it is sad that people have to put out 50 disclaimers because some choose to be morons and take everything to a place it didn't need to go. Lol ) What I mean this year is, if your goals are to eat better, lose weight, wear smaller clothes, etc., understand that those goals are superficial in nature, so do them for yourself, not others! And secondly, you will have days where you mess up, and you backtrack, an d you slip up... blah blah blah! Get back on the wheel! I'm not just talking about food anymore (see my other entries, you'll get the gist). These setbacks are just that, SETBACKS! Don't let them define your acheivements, stop feeling guilty, don't quit just because you run into a wall. Find a way to get to that place where you're a ble to put everything into perspective. Find more encouraging friends if you need to. Get involved with work out groups on Facebook. Once you reach that point of figuring things out in the best way for to acheive your goals, see goal #8, lol. But seriously, don't let your shortcomings take over your life and get in the way of your success. (Yes, the picture was there to be there)
2. Everything Must Belong Somewhere
....and other foolish sayings. If people can't handle you at your worst, THAT MAKES THEM HUMAN! Not everyone is always going to be able to just handle everything you are... at any given moment...just because you want them to! Stop throwing that responsibility on other people. If you can't handle yourself and fly off the handle to the point that people can't handle you at your worst, that's YOUR problem. The good news is, if you're just open about it and you stop all the "Forget about those people, you don't need them in your life", "I'm a strong independent black woman who don't need no man!", "My man has TWO jobs, I don't need this!" attitude, people will be there to help you through it. No man (or indeed, woman) is an island! You should be glad that there are some people in your life who keep you grounded, because in case you haven't noticed, roses smell like poo (get the picture?). Not everything you're about is as awesome as you think. Not everyone who disagrees with you is your enemy, or has it out for you, or is a hater, or is spreading negativity in your life! Everything must belong somewhere. This year, maybe it would be beneficial to clean out your ears and listen, truly listen to people...INCLUDING those who aren't telling you everything you want to hear.
Bright Eyes - Everything Must Belong Somwhere
Give this song a listen! You're welcome. Haha
Make this year the year you live out LOUD! Don't tell me you wish people would listen to you more, if you aren't willing to belt it out as loud as you can, through song. I'm just kidding of course, but really though, speak up, sing up, raise others up! You have another 300+ days to do great things, not just for yourself, but others as well. Say "Hello" to this year by being great. Get off the internet more, go experience the spice of life, without being attached to your screens. Pay more attention to life's great moments. Sing with your soul's vocals. Yeah, the world is crazy, things suck, people are terrible, but there are amazing parts to life as well. You get what you're looking for! Look for the best in situations, in people, in yourself, in the world! Live out loud! And, in all honesty, I just like singing Adele's "Hello" in it's very, very, very many forms! Whatever you do this year, do it to the best of your ability! Stop holding your dreams back, stop holding your goals back, and stop holding yourself back...from singing "Hello" at the top of your lungs. lol
So, with that being said, get out there in 2016, and make your dreams come true!!! I hope everyone strives strives to acheive great things things this year!
~ Make good decisions, love one another!