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No One Ever Is...

“It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any. ”

- Hugh Laurie

"Pick me up at 7:30! I'll be ready!" - Famous last words

How ready are you? How ready are any of us? Well, Dr. House over there probably wasn't ready for his show's cancellation, but it happened (yeah, I went there!) and I'm not sorry you hurt your elbow! #savage

But, anyways, back to the matter at hand, life is a very strange and arduous thing to go through. I even once heard that you have to go through it for as long as you're alive! *le gasp* Although, nobody makes it out of life alive, so enjoy what you got, and don't always take it too seriously. But also understand that many things will be thrown at you, and you won't always be ready for life's ups and downs. Issa learning process, you'll get there!

So this is the one about things I am not quite yet ready for! Here goes!


Yeah it is old, bro. Thanks for reminding me!

But for real, where does all the time go? I used to think 30 was old...SUPER old, and so far away. Now just 4 (four) years from now, I'll be in the zero dark thirty territory. But it's actually not the being thirty that I'm not prepared for, it's more like the stuff that comes with being thirty. Everyone is supposed to be all professional, having a house, 2.5 kids (No clue what we do with the other half of the kid), picket fence, American dream type status. It's like one minute you're looking for adults, then the next minute: BAM! I still feel like I need adultier adults to do adultier things. I'll accept that invitation to Hogwarts now, please! But for real, I used to wish I was older, refuse nap time, and all of that. Now I want it all back! I WANT IT ALL BACK! All in all, however, I still look forward to the future - just take your time getting here, okay?

Leaving Russia.

Baggins knows what's up! Deuces!

Yep. It's a bittersweet "not ready" moment.. Russia's been aiight, but I would like to be home. Home is where the heart is, where the love is, where the bed is, where the dreams are, and where all those wonderfully platitudinous sayings on Hallmark cards come from. Good ol' home. But Russia was great too. The extreme snow, the extremely fast paced-ness of life, the extremely difficult language, yeah - good times! I'll miss it a lot. While I'm definitely mentally prepared to get out, I am also not entirely ready to go back. Russia is where I met some of the most interesting people ( and not so interesting people - don't get cocky!), and tried a whole bunch of things that I never would have experienced without these people in my life. I saw that Russia definitely has more than a single story, or the stories often portrayed in the media. I even became a recording artist in 3 studios. Things definitely took an interesting turn during my time in Russia. Don't let life limit you is definitely one thing I'll have in mind as I leave the most amazing, bizarre adventure I've had in my life so far. But it will be interesting to see how much has changed in the US after all this time. And I can't wait to see all my friends. No one is ever really ready, but every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end...or some "White People" saying like that. Lol

Discos Return.


Yeah...maybe it's not so bad being unprepared for some things to happen! Disco dying might have been for the best.

Marvel's Black Panther.

This is the only handshake I know now...

You'd think that after watching the trailer 123,456,789 times (you callin' me a liar?) one would be ready to see this movie no probs. But I know my body isn't ready. A lot of people don't understand that it's the representation that is important for this film's release. In a time such as this, representation is important, This is showing us a whole new side to Marvel's world, that isn't a stereotypically made movie. A new generation of young POC are going to have something to look up to in the theaters this February, and that's always great. It's a pretty much all black cast, it's not a movie using outdated and negatively connotative views of Africa, it's not a sidekick movie, it's not a parody, it is a pretty historically momentous event in film. But I am hoping I can see it in Moscow, before I go. But I'm not ready to handle the amazingness and expectation that will be presented in this film (or am I?). I'll be shaking all the haters off on the way to my seat - believe that! If you don't understand why this movie is so important...then you probably have a bunch of important things to you that also have value, and that's aiight. (I will be publicly side eyeing you though...)

This Jelly.

Say my name, say my name...

Robot Invasion.

That's what I call bringing home the bacon.

Yeah, another case of "could we NOT?". There's already enough technopocalypse lore circulating out in the world, showing us that making self-sufficient robots is not de wae! It is not de wae all dae, my muddas! But seriously, if a robot gets upset and goes on a rampage, it's all over. You can't destroy the metal, ask Jack Black. Robots are a cool idea in theory, but I just don't think I'm ready to see robots walking around; all fully automated, and ready for anything. And now I know how people felt in the 1800s when things like long ankle dresses started becoming obsolete, or when jazz became a thing, or when Black Panther was announced for theaters...too soon?

You know, that's how life is. Just one big moment in which a lot of smaller moments exist. And you can't be ready for them all. But you can make the choice to say, "Yes me. Yes today. I will do it today!" Unlike cats, we don't always land on our feet. However, if we start deciding that we are ready, we will be ready, and once we start acting like the people we want to be, other people will be able to do the same. It's all connected in a way. everything comes together, when we pull ourselves together. And nobody else can do it for you, only you can let it in. No one else...I'm getting a little off track, but the premise remains. Think about some of the things you're not ready for, and make up your mind today, that the challenge of things we're not ready for is worth the endgame. Take it from a little yellow soul, who may be square, but he's also there!

Say it with me: "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready..." It may not seem like much, but the more you challenge yourself to be ready, the more you'll actually be ready. There's never going to be a perfect moment to do something. But you always have a little speck of time, called "now", and now is always as good a time as any time to make something happen.

~ Love one another, Make good decisions!

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